#DG Shipping Exit Exam Procedures Step by Step Guide 2021

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Alright let's get started with today's

How to complete DG Shipping Exit Exam

We have also created a FAQ section at the end of the post where you can find some of your doubts answered.

The Procedure for Exit Exam on
DG Shipping website:-

1. You need a desktop computer or laptop for the exam to finish successfully.
2. The first thing you need to do is go to
3. Input your INDOS number.
4. Then it will ask you to update your details
within the page, like mobile number,
email, passport etc.
5. On the right-hand side, you can see a few
6. Point (1) says "CLICK ON
7. Click on download link and a (.exe) file will start downloading
8. Check for the downloaded
"DGSSecureSoftware.exe" file in your
download folder.
9. Double click on
"DGSSecureSoftware.exe" and a black
colour window will open.
10. Input your INDOS number and press
enter wait for the software to upload an
exam licence on your PC/Laptop.
11. Now you have completed all the required
settings for your DG Shipping Exit Exam
12. On the instructions Point no (6) "CLICK ON THE REFRESH" button to start your course.
13. Click on refresh button.
14. Select the "Course EXAM" you want to
take and click on "TAKE TEST".
15. On the next window click on "PROCEED
16. The browser will ask for "CAMERA
17. Tick the two check box, which says you
have updated your profile photo and you
are sitting in a silent room with proper
lighting and you will always look on to
the screen.
18. A new button will appear on the same
screen click on that "CLICK HERE FOR
19. It will automatically VERIFY YOUR
PHOTO and a new button will appear
20. And your "EXAM WILL START"
21. After you finish answering the 30
Questions click on "SUBMIT
TEST" and wait for RESULT
22. Wait for some time and Click on "BACK TO HOMEPAGE"
23. "Congratulations you have successfully
completed the DG Shipping EXIT EXAM" message will appear.

How to Download STCW
Certificate after DG Shipping
Exit Exam?

1. Go to DG Shipping INDOS Checker
2. Select STCW Course and input INDOS no
and Date of Birth
3. Select your course and once it opens,
click on Download.

1.What is the timing of DG Shipping Exit
Ans: After finishing your course you can give
an exit exam between 1330-1700 Hrs.

2. Where I can find the DG Shipping Exit Exam circular?
Ans: I have uploaded the latest circular

3. Can we give the Exit Exam on Saturday/
Ans: Yes

4. Where l can see my results?
Ans: Once you finish your exams the result will be available instantly to you.

5. My DG Shipping Exit Exam IP Address
Ans: Try with different IP or use your mobile as Hotspot.

6. What is the Link address to take DG Shipping E-learning Mock
Ans: Visit https://www.dgsexams.in/ and input your Indos number.

8. DG Shipping Exit Exam you are not Authorised
Ans: Usually this error comes if you try to give exams right after your online classes. After finishing your course allow some time to Institute to complete the after course procedure. Once the Institute finishes the after course formalities the error will be gone. Before giving for exam better for you to call institute and confirm whether i can give exit exam now.

Hope our post on DG Shipping Exit Exams
helped you to complete your exams and all of your queries have been resolved. If you still have any query regarding 'Exit Exam' you can contact us by commenting below.
Once again if you find this information useful
share it with the Seafarers community, who
can benefit from this Article.

Fruit names in Tamil to English

Attention all seafarers is your salary doubled? Answer: yes but not in reality

Good morning all, very important

Please share this to all new candidates aspiring blindly into the rumours of fancy shipping high salary and world tour stories.


How Indian Management Companies in Shipping Industry are eating into the pockets of Indian seafarers and Ship owners

Have you ever wondered that as an Indian seafarer, why your salary is on a decline since 2006 as officers/ratings. This same period coincides with the

massive growth of Management companies in shipping and particularly those with a training establishment.

We will briefly explore 'What, why, when, where, who and how 'aspect of this question.


Salary of Indian seafarers ( both officers/ratings) has not seen any hike since last 15 years. On the contrary, it has been reduced many times, particularly

ratings and junior officers. For eg. Starting wages for 3rd off/4th engr were 3800- 4000 USD back in 2008. This has been reduced to 2400-2800 USD in

2021 or in some cases, even less.

Same period has seen an inflation rate of 7 % in the country, which means even if you were getting the same salary as you were in 2008, still your

purchasing power has come down, as an item which was costing INR 100.00 in 2008 will be costing around INR 200.00 today(Double), but you wages have

been reduced to half, which reduces your purchasing power to 25% of what it was in 2008.

This is in addition to the fact that lIndians management companies are not giving you any health insurance policy (complete annual health cover, they cover

only for the period onboard and 2 months after that), no pension fund, no gratuity, no surety of employment.


Salary in each and every industry depends on the skill set you have and demand/supply ratio. Here the management companies have started their own

colleges, which ensures an oversupply of ratings/officers in the market. They will show a dream of USD 4000/ month salary to 100 young and naive boys

from marginalised societies (basically less informed) every year. These boys will take loan to complete training from company's college, again making the

company rich by paying huge fee. When they will finally clear MoS exams, the same company will tell them that its recession time. (Which is not the case

but looks like so because of oversupply). So what option these young kids have, nothing but to join at whatever they are getting. But at the same time

Owner is still paying the same or even more amount to the companies for crew. This again adds to the company's earnings making it rich and seafarer/

Owner poor.

This will continue because of the following reasons:

Huge young population of India with many talented people but lack of opportunities. In this scenario, the companies show flashy dreams (like a cadet

buying BMW, some officers running a marathon in Mumbai suburbs, seminars in Singapore with model as a host), cool looking website and a well built

college campus(with the candidate's/owner's money).

The young boys never got the salary they deserved, so they will get happy even at a 10 rupee hike in the wages (which is again a dream for many) and they

are unaware of the wages 5 years back. They realize this only after they have burnt their prime(20-30 age group)years and are left with no other option, but

to be slaves of these companies. By this time the young kid who was full of confidence and could have done anything in life, starts to believe that he can't

do anything else other than sailing, his management company has done a favour on him and he should always be loyal to them.

Merchant Navy is presented by these companies/ colleges as a job which will give you an opportunity to see the world, earn huge salary and lead a

luxurious life at sea/shore. The sad reality with ever increasing inspections, regulations and courses is known to all. Then why do they do it??7? ( Deceiving

or cheating)


When did it all start?

When many from the 1970-80-early90 generation of Indian seafarers, who got good plum salary and benefits back in their time saw a huge opportunity in

the crew supply area. With english educated ,unaware youth, lack of labour laws in the country, lack of opportunities in the country, owners ready to pay for

qualified crew, lack of strict laws from DG, India became a hotpot for their crewing experiment. In addition, many of them always dreamt to be like their

white bosses, sit in the office and sip a coffee reading freshly printed newspaper.

This all started with their own training setups and at the same time due to the neglect of well established legacy Govt. institutes (DMET, TSC) by the Govt.

itself. No one can deny today that these Govt. institutes lack proper training infrastructure and facilities making their passouts under prepared to face the

shipping challanges as compared to the training establishments of these management companies. Trainee passouts of these management companies

are in most cases very well groomed and prepared for the sea.


They could have started their colleges anywhere but they chose India because of the obvious reasons. For their companies, they usually choose

Sinagpore, Hongkong, to register but never India, Again to evade the agencies and Indian bureaucracy.

Indians are more into loyalty due to the upbringing and very rarely ask for their rights (due to the inferiority complex driven by 200 years of British rule). You

must have heard that Indians are the best employees, servants but worst managers, owners.

These ex-seafarers very well knew about the weak labour laws of India and went on to exploit the loop holes in the system which was something never

done before and is very difficult to be done by a foreign national/shipowner who is not familiar with the Indian system. So much so that even after a ship

explosion off the Gujrat coast, a company gets the 'Most Safe Company of the year award and even after multiple suicides onboard, the same company

gets the 'Most Compassionate employer of the year award. (Ananya Pandey getting the Filmfare 'best actress' award)

One common thing you can notice in these companies is that they have large rating and officer workforce from India and the reason they give is

nationalism, but the truth is that labour laws of other nations, even Phillippines, are better than India. Thus they always hire less from Philipines and

Europe. In addition Indian labour laws allow them to hire and fire at their own free will with no social responsibility unlike in European nations.


See around in your company. They were once sailing themselves but now are big bosses. Their photos come in company magazines playing golf, in

seminars, in race courses, giving useless wisdom in passing out parade, on company's websites etc.

Yes, you heard about them getting an AUDI from a bank last year.

They may be your batchmates who in future look to repeat the same story or are already trying to deceive others.

Also many Govt. officials and politicians who provide them with loopholes in the system to exploit the resources of the country as well as its men.


This question has a lot of answers. We know only a few ways. You can observe and find out more ways.

Demand and Supply, the main wage deciding factor. They control the supply by their so called colleges or factories. It's like controlling the manufacture of a

particular commodity. Overproduction will always keep the price low.

Their training mechanism. Have you ever wondered that why are you always busy doing the new course on vacation when you should be available for your

family. They charge owners a lot for training the crew for the owner. They make their own courses, which obviously they will conduct at their training

centres and hence you always end up doing these courses. This will never end. Its a cycle. You lose your time in doing the unnecessary courses, the

owners lose their money but these companies only gain, both in infrastructure and earnings.

Remittance. Not long ago we used to hear things like which bank gives good exchange rate but not anymore. They have set up a cartel with leading banks.

They force young cadets to open account only with a particular branch of a particular bank. These banks in return pay huge amount to the person handling

accounts in the company. They will remit your amount at the lowest exchange rate but in between the bank will make profit and pay a part of it to the

person in charge in the company. Now you know that when you are lowering anchor at 0200 Hrs in 8 degrees of temperature or cleaning the engine room

bilges, you are actually paying for that AUDI.

Not passing any benefits to the seafarer like Pension plan, complete medical insurance cover, although charging owner for the same. They take money

from the owner for your provident fund and medical cover but never give it to you. even if they do, it has paperwork like 1960s and full of hassles. MUI/NUSI

is also responsible here. MUI/NUSI can accept your membership fee online but still cannot issue you with a cashless health card/ provident fund card in

2020. For that you need to send papers to their office just like you were doing in 1960's.

MUI/NUSI have closed their eyes to the wrongdoings of these companies. When was the last time you heard that MUI/NUSI fought for the seafarer's

wages/overtime/signon-off/medical. NEVER.

These organisations are doing the very opposite of what they were formed for. Their charter, how they operate, where is the money submitted by seafarers

as annual fee goes? All information is very difficult to access and you need a lot of RTI applications for that. They have limited their work only to room

booking in their 2-3 homestays in India, which are also never available. ( MUI is nothing more than OYO)

BONUS: Yes, surprising right? This is how it works. Suppose your salary is 1000. They will reduce your salary to 600 and give you 400 as bonus (trade

allowance, contract completion, performance etc) .You will think, what's the difference as you are getting the same 1000 as before and accept the offer.

Three-four years later people will move on, get promoted and change companies. New recruits automatically accept that their salary is 600 and 400 is

bonus. Now they will say that the market is in recession (Actually created by them due to flooding) and say that they will keep the salary same but will

reduce the bonus to 200. Now your gross earnings become 800. This is how your performance, contract completion bonus works. Have you ever got a New

year Bonus??Never.

if it is about recession, why don't the top bosses and office staff take a salary cut. They don't but always reduce your wages.

PPE: They will say that they are the most safe company on the planet. But do you remember the condition of your new leather gloves after only single

mooring station?

They charge owner huge amounts for your PPE but provide you substandard Indian Tiger brand safety shoes and cheap boiler suits( some of them also

own these substandard PPE companies).

Victualling: With inflation, food is also getting expensive but your victualling is same since last 15 years. This means that the food items on your table are

continuously reducing. The same people who are doing this to you have taken 8 course meal when they were onboard and even now. Owner is paying for

the food but it is again not being handed over to the crew. Again Indian food is cheaper as compared to other nationalities.

Fake Analysis of the Job scenario: At the start of every year they will circulate a message on social media which has no source mentioned, that the wages

will be reduced, jobs are less in Indian market, this year is going to be bad for Indian industry etc. This will psychologically make you accept that the market

is bad and you are already prepared for a wage cut.

10. Signon /off frequency

Have you wondered that everytime you are onboard, either you or someone else is getting a delayed signoff, the reason being non availability of reliever.

Also when you are at home, you or your friends are getting a delayed ship assignment, now the reason being recession.

Reducing the number of crew change or doing bulk crew change, saves company a lot of money for which they have already charged the shipowner and it

goes into their pockets. So instead of crew change every month or whenever required, they will do it every alternate month or even late.

11. Travelling/Hotel Expenses:

Remember, the owner has already been charged for you travel expenses, but you are told to arrange your travel yourself and take a reimbursement with an

upper limit. Not all the seafarers will keep the receipts safely or may lose them, in which case company will not pay them a single penny, although they

travelled themselves. In this again, whatever money is saved goes into funding the lavish life style and hotel stays of these so called big bosses. Again

most of you must be familiar with the poor conditions of their so called guest houses which are infested with bed bugs and rats.

12. Spares:

Now owner has given a budget for stores and spares but you know what quality stuff you receive onboard. Poor quality and minimum quantity PPE like

wintergear is supplied and you are told that- Oh! The Indians are so hardworking..Owner looks upto Indian crew.You are so much better than the other

nationality. You don't need that spare. You can manage with that much spare chief. And you being a loyalist to the core, take pride in this and keep killing

your hardwork as well as your life for supporting the lifestyle and business of someone else.

Ask your senior officers onboard as to how much money your vessel's superintendent is making during drydocks and spare arrangements. Are they not


13. Less Crew Onboard

One more thing common in these companies is their poor work /rest hour record which is always manipulated. They intentionally put less underpaid crew

onboard, almost never talk of work/rest hour in seminars and make you overwork. Hence saving them the wages in return. And the crew onboard will take

pride on how smartly he fudges his own work-rest hour.

They will never talk of ILO work/rest hour but will send you ILO minimum wage scale if you ask any question regarding salary.


Next time you meet your non-sailing friends, see and observe them. They already think you are not normal because you are not!! More so if you are in a

management company which is the case for 80% of Indian seafarers.

You must have witnessed the cases where seafarers of these so called (mis)management companies have a disturbed personal life, senior officers are

already divorced, kids don't listen to them. All this is because your work culture defines who you are. Why would a young kid listen to someone who he sees

for 6 months every two years and who talks like as if a disturbed person.

If you are the lucky one who is sailing in an ownership company, keenly observe your peers from the management companies next time in STCW courses.

They will get hyper and excited over issues like whether one should breathe from nose or mouth.( Again not their fault)


With poor labour laws in the country, rusted judiciary, corrupt Govt. officials, useless MUI/NUSI, too many naive kids to be easily fooled and too smart old

seafarers running these management/ training companies, dont expect any change in the scenario soon. They will keep nibbling into your wages and keep

taking away your share.

What you can do is to improve your skill set (MBA/MS) and keep improving and looking for other alternative opportunities as and when they come.

I hope you have understood the crux of the issue. Kindly share it with young cadets/ officers and ratings. If you are a little observant, you must have

already thought about it. If not, then start thinking.

It's your life. You know what happened to the so called loyal people who got injured on the ships. No one even came to visit them on their funeral.

All that your daughter/son has is you, their father. Company has 100 new loyal, brainwashed recruits (robots) ready for passing out.

Another very important issue for COC holders

MS Bill 2020 endeavours to erase Sec 381 from existing MSA, thereby allowing govt officers carteblanche on our CoCs, against all international norms and

against UNCLoS Art 97. Sec 381 requires the govt to approach court before suspending/cancelling a coc. It is being taken off in sec 235 of the proposed


This is a very big concern for seafarers today..

Sign the petition


Thanks for your patience.

What is Hydrostatic curves?

The hydrostatic particulars of a ship consist of displacement, deadweight, tonnes per centimetre (TPC), height of COB above keel (KB), distance of COB from after perpendicular (AB) or from midships (HB), height of transverse metacentre above keel (KMT), height of the longitudinal metacentre above keel (KML), distance of centre of flotation from after perpendicular (AF) or from midships. (HF) and moment to change trim by one centimetre (MCTC).
Since each of these values depends on the draft of the ship, the hydrostatic pa:-ticulars are given by the shipyard' in the form of curves of tables plotted or tabulated against draft.
 The foregoing terms have all been explained in earlier chapters with the exception of the last three - KML, AF (or HF) and MCTC. These will be explained in detail in volume II.


Unstable equilibrium and angle of loll were described in chapters 10 & 11 in Ship Stability I of Capt. Subramaniam you may refer that. A vessel at the angle of loll is in an extremely precarious and dangerous situation ­Wrong action or no action on the part the ship's staff may cause the ship to capsize. Even no action is dangerous because consumption of fuel and water from the double bottom tanks would cause increase of KG making the vessel more unstable, thereby increasing the angle of loll.

The angle of loll can be calculated by a simple formula derived from the wall-sided formula:
 GZ = Sin θ (GM + ½BM tan²θ)
 At the angle of loll GZ = Zero
So Sin θ (GM + ½BM tan²θ) = 0
So Sin θ = 0  or (GM + ½BM tan²θ) = 0
At the angle of loll, θ 0 so Sin θ ≠ 0
(GM + ½BM tan²θ) = 0  and Tan² θ = -2GM/BM

What is Longitudinal Stability, Trim, Center of Flotation COF

When a ship is at rest in calm water, the COB & the COG will be in a vertical line as illustrated by figure X on the Below pic.
Pitch: If waves cause an increase in the under water volume aft, and a decrease fwd,
the COB will shift aft. The forces of gravity and buoyancy now get separated by a fore and aft distance and form a couple which will cause the bow to dip downwards and the stern to lift upwards as shown in figure Y on the below Pic.

Basic Stability Part-2 Density & Allowances


When a ship goes from SW to FW, her draft would increase and vice versa. This can be illustrated by a simple example. Consider a ship of 10000 tonnes displacement.
W = u/w volume x density of water displaced.
In salt water: 10000 = V sw x 1.025
or Vsw  =    10000   = 9756 m3

Underwater volume in SW = 9756 m3
In fresh water: 10000 = V FW x 1
or VFW = 10000 m3
Underwater volume in FW  = 10000 m3

From the foregoing example it is clear that when a ship goes from SW to FW her underwater volume (and hence her draft) increases, and vice versa, though her displacement is constant.