Chief Officer Job/ Responsibilities

Chief Officer/ First Officer:

Organization Links & Reporting Lines
The Chief Officer is a Senior Officer, Head of the Deck Department and permanent member of vessel’s
Shipboard Management Committee.
Reports to: Master.
Directs: Deck Department workforce, Catering staff (except for victualing and economic matters), and
multipurpose crew assigned to deck service (if any).
Works with: Ship Management Committee.
Position duties and Responsibilities
To assume temporary command of the vessel during the Master’s incapacity, caused by illness or injury.
To assume responsibilities and perform duties of vessel’s Cargo Operating Officer.
To assume responsibilities and perform duties of vessel’s Ship Security Officer if appointed.
To ensure that all Deck Department operations, including ballasting and cargo operations, are conducted in accordance with the Company’s Environmental and Safety and Health policies described in Manual.
To assume responsibilities and perform duties of vessel’s Safety Officer and, where so assigned by the Master, of Deputy Ship Security Officer.
To familiarize himself and ensure full compliance of all subordinates with the Policies and Procedures of the Company’s SMS.
To maintain a safe navigational and GMDSS communications watch and to perform all other navigational duties as required by the Master.
To ensure at all times the vessel’s readiness in all respects to receive or discharge cargo.
To ensure the loading of the vessel in conformity with the Load Lines Certificate, Flag State and Classification Society Rules and Requirements.
To ensure, at any moment during loading, discharge, and sea passages, that vessel’s hull stresses, draughts, trim and stability are effectively controlled and kept below any permissible or recommended limits.
To provide at all times for the seaworthiness of the vessel, the safety of personnel and the protection of the environment while performing cargo or ballast handling operations.
To perform cargo operations in accordance with Charter Party and Voyage Orders requirements, ensuring the highest possible operational, safety and economic standards.
To supervise and provide for the anti-corrosion treatment of vessel’s internal and external spaces, structures, machinery and equipment, except E/R and related machinery spaces.
To fully co-operate with the Engineering Department in the diagnose of machinery faults regarding cargo handling related equipment, and deck machinery.
To direct the assigned Emergency Response Groups during response to emergencies.
To attend Ship Management Committee meetings and assist the other members of the Committee in the formulation of realistic work plans.
To attend Emergency Response Team and Safety Committee meetings, deputizing for the Master in his absence.
To ensure, at all times, full compliance with Statutory, Local, National and International Rules and Regulations, and with Company SMS Procedures.
To issue operational and safety written instructions, within the limits defined in the applicable SMS Procedures.
To assist the Master in the regulation of vessel’s budgetary control system with regard to port expenditure,
purchasing of stores and other shipboard services related to the Deck management area.
To implement in the Deck Department and Catering services clear lines of communications and well-defined
job assignments, to achieve the optimum overall efficiency of the available work force.
To ensure the maintenance of a good working and social environment in the Deck Department and Catering
service, based on a friendly co-operation between Officers and Ratings.
To assist the other Ship Management Committee members in the achievement and maintenance of a healthy
working and social environment in the whole vessel based in mutual respect and friendly co-operation amongst
all crew members.
To prepare and follow the schedule for Environmental Health and Safety Inspection as per Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen (The vessel has to be divided in several areas such as Engine Room
& Steering Gear Flat, Cargo Deck & Forecastle and Accommodation block and, whole vessel should be inspected within 3 months time).
To Conduct an Environmental Health and Safety Inspection on a monthly basis and to report results on Monthly Shipboard Safety Committee Meetings
To assist and contribute to the disciplinary system on board, ensuring all personnel in Deck and Catering work force abide by the disciplinary code.
To ensure and provide for the familiarization of all Deck Officers and Ratings and Catering staff with
Procedures, Rules and Regulations applicable to their jobs.
To ensure the full compliance of all Deck and Catering work force with the Company’s Drug and Alcohol policy.
To ensure the adherence of Deck Officers and Ratings and Catering staff to safe working practices.
To monitor the on-the-job training of subordinates and deck cadets, and to supervise the training of the crew on safety and environment protection matters.
To provide for the familiarization of Officers and Crew with the cargo handling operations to be performed, and their adherence to all relevant safety procedures.
To prepare and assist the Master in the appraisal of Deck and Catering subordinates.
To familiarize himself with the Master’s duties.
To be on the Bridge with Master for “stand by”, as possible, to understudy the Master in ship handling
To prepare cargo, discharge and ballast plans and calculations, ensuring at all times a close monitoring and control of vessel’s draft, stress and stability conditions.
To regulate the deployment and monitor the performance of Deck and Catering staff.
To regulate the deployment and monitor the performance of the multipurpose crew assigned to Deck and Catering service, in conjunction with other members of the Ship Management Committee.
To regulate the deployment and supervise the activities of any flying squad assigned to Deck service.
To fully co-operate with the Chief Engineer in the supervision of the performance of shore contractors, in accordance with Company Regulations.
To monitor the stocks, deployment, storage and good condition of mooring ropes and mooring related articles, suggesting to the Master, with due anticipation, the requisition of replacement articles whenever convenient.
To monitor the stocks, storage and use of fresh and drinking water.
To monitor the stocks, storage and use of paints and other corrosion protection items, suggesting to the Master
the requisition in due time of articles to maintain stocks in adequate levels to assist routine and planned corrosion control works.
To control the standards of cleanliness anti-corrosion treatment of all vessel’s internal and external spaces, structures, machinery and equipment, except E/R and related machinery spaces.
To assist the Master in the supervision of first aid, health care and medical treatment actions on board, to ensure the maintenance of a clean and hygienic environment in the ship’s hospital and nursery spaces, and to control first aid and medical equipment, materials and medicines.
To fully co-operate with the Chief Engineer in the monitoring and control of stores, spares, hydraulic and lubricating agents related to deck and cargo handling machinery and equipment.
To fully co-operate with the Chief Engineer in the preparation and compilation of defect, repair and dry dock lists, for those items related with his management range.
To issue and/or to sign, under Master’s express delegation of authority, commercial documents related with cargo operations, excepting those which, by its nature, nature are the sole responsibility of the Master.
To ensure the updating and upkeep of the applicable ship’s Log and Record Books.
To ensure the adequate maintenance of records regarding cargo handling operations, including cargo handling plans and instructions.
To ensure the adequate maintenance of records regarding vessel’s draft, hull stresses and stability
To ensure the updating and maintenance of accurate safety records.
To ensure the updating and maintenance of accurate records regarding Deck stores and other consumption items.
To direct and monitor the progress of cadets (when assigned), including the completion of signing off
tasks as and when competency is judged to have been reached.
Personal Conduct
As a Senior Officer, the Chief Officer must, in his working and social behavior, constitute an example of competency and irreproachable conduct for his subordinates. To transmit such an image, the Chief Officer shall endeavor his best efforts to:
Demonstrate loyalty and trustworthiness to his superiors.
Avoid any signs of weakness that may endanger or diminish his authority.
Avoid showing signs of alarm and anxiety when dealing with difficult situations, as this may be contagious and reduce the crew morale.
Deal with his subordinates with scrupulous fairness, showing concern for their welfare and avoiding any attitudes showing discrimination in any respect.
Issue clear and reasonable orders which do not endanger in excess the personal safety of any crew member. Avoid actions or conduct that may be considered as abuse of power.
Set high standards of appearance and encourage the same high standards in others.
Designated Safety Officer On board
In order to co-ordinate and lead the operation of the safety team on board the vessel, the Chief Officer on board is assigned to be the Safety Officer responsible for all activities related to the implementation of the safety management aspects on board.
His responsibility also includes arrangement for the prominent display on board (i.e. mess room, smoking room, etc.) and/or explaining to the crew members, in any appropriate way, all relevant instructions, posters, booklets or other literature provided by the Company’s management or other appropriate authority, related to the Ship Management System on board his vessel.

A. Officer Of The Watch (OOW - Officer In Charge of Bridge, Cargo or Deck Watches)
To maintain safe navigational & communications watches in compliance with the Master’s Standing Orders, applicable national and international rules and regulations, industry standards and guidelines and Company procedures applicable to Bridge & navigational operations.
To perform in a safe and efficient manner other Bridge-related duties as required by the Master.
To maintain safe deck & cargo watches in compliance with the Chief Officer’s Standing Orders, applicable national and international rules and regulations, industry standards and guidelines and Company procedures applicable to deck & cargo handling operations.
To perform in a safe and efficient manner other deck/cargo-related duties as required by the Chief Officer.
To assist the Chief Officer in the planning and conduct of cargo handling operations, and in the familiarization of the deck work force with the operations to be performed.
To undertake and direct, in a safe and efficient manner, mooring, un-mooring, anchoring and other deck operations and duties as required by the Master or Chief Officer.
To monitor the performance of navigational aids and other Bridge-related equipment during his watch-keeping periods, keeping the Master promptly informed of any found any defects or deficiencies.
To monitor the performance of cargo handling equipment during his watch-keeping periods, bringing to Chief Officer’s attention any defects or deficiencies.
To update and maintain logbooks, record books and other relevant record keeping documents, as required, during watch-keeping periods.
To assist the Master and the Chief Officer during port and cargo documentation formalities.
To attend, escort and provide adequate assistance to authorities, pilots, cargo representatives, agents and other visitors, as required by the Master or Chief Officer.
To familiarize himself with and ensure the observance of policies, objectives and procedures of the SMS applicable to his scope of duties and to the conduct and performance of staff under his responsibility.
To familiarize himself with and ensure the observance of national and international rules and regulations and with industry standards and guidelines applicable to his scope of duties and to the conduct and performance of staff under his responsibility.
To take an active part in the promotion of high standards of on board safety, environmental protection and efficiency conditions and capabilities, and to assure, by instructing and constant monitoring, the adherence of his assigned subordinates to safe working practices.
To assist the Master, the ship’s Senior Officers and the Company in the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the SMS.
To fully assist and support the Safety Management Committee, attending its meetings as an optional member or secretary if required by the Master.
To assist the Chief Officer in the training of subordinates and to take charge of the training of Deck Cadets, assisting in the formulation of their appraisal reports as necessary.
To familiarize himself with the Chief Officer’s duties and, where applicable, with the duties of other superior Deck Officers.


To maintain the GMDSS Radio Log Book as required by the applicable regulations.
To maintain GMDSS communications watches as part of the assigned Bridge watch-keeping duties.

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